Player Tips and Tricks

The Player Tips and Tricks section serves as a valuable resource for users seeking guidance on optimizing their experience with Pillarbox.

Adding or Overriding Resource Properties

There are scenarios where developers need to customize resource properties or override existing ones. This section provides insights into achieving both objectives effectively.

This mechanism is specific to media content from SRG SSR.


Consider the following use case:

  1. Adding a Custom Property:

    • Sometimes, you may want to introduce a custom property to a resource. This could involve adding metadata, specifying additional behavior, or enhancing the resource's functionality.
  2. Overriding an Existing Property:

    • In other cases, you might need to modify an existing property. For instance, you could override the media source.
const player = pillarbox('player');

// overrides the URL and adds a blocking reason
  src: 'urn:bu:media:id',
  mediaData: {
    // override the media URL
    url: '',
    // override the MIME type. Mandatory if you switch from Dash to HLS
    mimeType: 'application/x-mpegURL',
    // add a custom property
    customProperty: 'Custom value'

It's the developer's responsibility to ensure data consistency, otherwise unexpected errors may occur, preventing the media from playing.